Sunday, December 10, 2017

Why Would We Vote on a Tuesday? Blog Stage 8

Voting Day is something that I believe needs to be addressed and rearranged. Heather wrote a post called “Voting on Weekends” that I fully agree with. On November 7th 2017, I was unable to vote due to my very busy tuesday work load. In the mid 1800’s, the United States when the law for voting day to be placed on a tuesday was passed, the U.S was best described as an agrarian society. It makes sense that back then farmers needed more time to get to a voting station. Tuesday was established as election day for religious reasons as well. It did not interfere with the Biblical Sabbath or with market day which typically took place on Wednesdays in most towns. The problem is that we aren’t all religious farmers anymore! I agree that voting on tuesday is very random. There are many random laws that are completely illogical in context to the 21st century. A law should be passed for voting day to be moved to a more convenient day (like a holiday as was mentioned) or at least extended to last for longer than just a short one-day period.

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Why Would We Vote on a Tuesday? Blog Stage 8

Voting Day is something that I believe needs to be addressed and rearranged. Heather wrote a post called “ Voting on Weekends ” that I full...