There are a number of things that I find absurd when it comes to the topic of the U.S national government. If I could have it my way, President Trump would have already been impeached...or better yet, never elected.
Jobs are scarce and incomes are falling out of everybody’s pockets. After the financial meltdown of the first depression, congress passed emergancy funding to save our nation from a financial meltdown. Recently, congress has not taken precautions. A bill regarding changing the US government's credit limit has turned to a mess of a downfall in our economy. Meanwhile, congress enjoys automatic pay raises every year. Their annual income totaling over three times the income of an average US citizen.
The United States possesses all resources in order to go greener and contribute less towards global warming. We are considered to be the most technologically advanced country in the world, yet the US government doesn’t concern themselves with recycling and investing in research for better energy use. Where fracking occurs, heads are turned. Where money is made, you’ll find our government.
Redistricting. The act of redrawing district lines in order to learn towards one political side rather than the other. This must stop. This system only works to the government and the political parties advantages. I believe that it completely goes against our rights of choice and opportunity. The national government is taking its citizens votes and manipulating them to best suit their needs.
The electoral process is a mess and must be redesigned. In 2016, after his election and loss in the popular vote President Trump tweeted; “In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.” Trumps opponent, Clinton, won 2.9 million more popular votes than the elected president. Because of the way the U.S national government has structured the presidential elections and system of voting, the voice of the Nation's people seem to be ignored. The U.S would benefit from a second bill of rights as Bernie Sanders suggests.
Our nation is led by President Trump. The day of Trump’s election, I was spit on by an angry Irishman for being American in a foreign country. Rather than the U.S giving off a positive image of our advanced and prideful nation, the image of Trump and just the ring of him name offends and brings out hatred in other countries. Trump has chosen to propose to divide the US with walls, rather than to unite with and assist our surrounding neighbors. Although I am a prideful and patriotic American, I do not feel pride for any of the current work of the US national government.